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Information is power.
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To provide sensitive and personalized menopause-related and sexual healthcare in a comfortable, stress-free environment.
The average age of natural menopause is around 52. It is defined as having an absence of a period of 12 months. However, people can experience peri-menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, irregular bleeding, brain fog, weight gain, mood changes, skin changes, joint pain, to name a few symptoms that begin to show up in the perimenopause period) for up to 12 years before their final menstrual period. In addition, menopause can occur due to the removal of the ovaries or due to radiation or chemotherapy, and this can be very sudden.
Once menopause has arrived, the hormone fluctuations often end, but, with a decrease of estrogen, women are then at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, dementia, osteoporosis, diabetes, and genitourinary symptoms of menopause which can lead to generalized feelings of poor health as well as serious health problems.
The natural menopause transition is a normal life event. It is inevitable and will happen to every person who identifies as female at some point in their life. There is nothing to be ashamed of, but often people suffer in silence since there has historically been very little discussion about this topic in medical as well as personal circles. The good thing is that this is changing! People are starting to talk about menopause. And there are so many options for care. I have found that everyone experiences the menopause transition differently and they have the right to know what they can do to stay healthy and strong. Women usually spend at least 1/3 of their lives in menopause. It can be a powerful and magnificent time and many serious health complications can be prevented if you know your options and stay informed. You deserve menopause care!
Some common reasons people in midlife and menopause come to Lifecycle Women’s Health include:
Hot flushes and night sweats
Vaginal dryness and changes in sexuality
Mood changes, increased edginess, anxiety, and depression
Irregular vaginal bleeding
Sleep disturbances
Weight gain, especially around the middle
Foggy thinking and memory changes
Joint pain and muscle aches
Hormone Therapy
Nutrition and lifestyle support to promote and optimize healthy aging
Getting older is a time to celebrate your life and live it to the fullest. You have earned it!
The right to healthy sexuality is an inherent part of being human. However, so many people suffer from sexual dissatisfaction and problems. Sexual health issues can emanate from life changes such as aging, illness, childbirth, trauma, a history of inadequate sexual education, or can have a psychological root. Often sexual health problems can be remedied with short-term, focused sexuality counseling which investigates the medical root causes of sexual issues, while other times people would benefit from more intensive therapy with a trained sexual therapist. One thing is for sure, however, and that is all individuals have the right to pursue and attain a healthy sexual life of their choice as it leads to better overall health and quality of life.
Who would benefit from sexual health counseling? Some issues include:
Limited knowledge about sex or the desire to learn more
Low or absent sexual desire
Painful sex
Sexual changes related to perimenopause or menopause
Difficulty having orgasms
Changes in sexuality that arise after surgery, medical conditions such as cancer, or having a child
Desire discrepancies in couples of all orientations
Negative self-image/ body image that impacts sexuality
Issues related to sexuality and infidelity
LGBTQIA2+ issues that may impact sexuality
Trauma-based sexual issues when people are working with a therapist
Lifestyle issues that impact sexuality