Information is power.
If you have any questions that have not been answered here on the site, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask.

Information is power.
If you have any questions that have not been answered here on the site, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask.
Click on the links below to download .pdf files for Lifecycle Women's health information and privacy policies.
Click on the links below to download .pdf files for the necessary Lifecycle paperwork.
at the Mill Street Cottage 37 Mill St., Suite 13 Brunswick, ME 04011
Phone: (207) 835-1720
Fax: (949) 543-2750
If you have not received an email invitation to join the Kareo Patient Portal, simply ask Susan.
Patient Portal Instructions:
1. Follow instructions in the email invitation from Susan to set up your account.
2. Once you have an active account set up you can access the Patient Portal by clicking the button below.
3. Log-in to your account to schedule your appointments, get in touch with Susan, view your health records, and more.
Lifecycle Women's Health services are in-network with the following insurance companies:
Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Community Health Options
Harvard Pilgrim
Maine Care
Self pay is an option as well.